Please see Dandelioness Herbals' online etsy shop!
Handmade in small batches, using primarily local and abundant plants grown and harvested by hand, these remedies are created with the intention of nurturing a culture of self-care and collective-care, appreciation for our bodies, and supporting justice movements. Most ingredients are local, abundant (no endangered/at-risk herbs!), organic/cultivated without chemicals, fair-trade, made by worker's collectives, or otherwise from the most ethical source I can find.
These remedies are made with the intention of co-creating a culture of care to help nourish and sustain ourselves and each other for the long haul!
For more about single tinctures, blends such as Calm The Rage, Elderberry Ginger Elixir, Heart Elixir, Relaxing Bitters, Roots Tonic, Tulsi Elixir, Speak Truth! Throat Spray, Nourish & Protect, Mercury's Retrograde, Again?!, Replenish, Fabulousness In A Bottle, LionHearted, Stay Ready, Crampease, Elderberry Ginger Elixir, kits such as the SELF-CARE KIT: For Emotional First Aid, and flower essences such as Shine! Golden Radiance Flower Essence, Yarrow Shield, and Thorn Essence, please see the Dandelioness Herbals online shop here.
The list of herbs available are ever-evolving based on the garden and season.

Freshly harvested Coltsfoot, Mullein, Plantain, and Lungwort leaves, Double
headed Dandelion blossom, and Burdock in bloom.
Handmade in small batches, using primarily local and abundant plants grown and harvested by hand, these remedies are created with the intention of nurturing a culture of self-care and collective-care, appreciation for our bodies, and supporting justice movements. Most ingredients are local, abundant (no endangered/at-risk herbs!), organic/cultivated without chemicals, fair-trade, made by worker's collectives, or otherwise from the most ethical source I can find.
These remedies are made with the intention of co-creating a culture of care to help nourish and sustain ourselves and each other for the long haul!
For more about single tinctures, blends such as Calm The Rage, Elderberry Ginger Elixir, Heart Elixir, Relaxing Bitters, Roots Tonic, Tulsi Elixir, Speak Truth! Throat Spray, Nourish & Protect, Mercury's Retrograde, Again?!, Replenish, Fabulousness In A Bottle, LionHearted, Stay Ready, Crampease, Elderberry Ginger Elixir, kits such as the SELF-CARE KIT: For Emotional First Aid, and flower essences such as Shine! Golden Radiance Flower Essence, Yarrow Shield, and Thorn Essence, please see the Dandelioness Herbals online shop here.
The list of herbs available are ever-evolving based on the garden and season.
Salves and Balms are offered seasonally and in small batches. Global Citizen Salve calendula & yarrow heal-all-salve. Tigress Balm warming muscle rub. Love It Up! breast/chest massage balm, and Etched in Gold scar balm.
A Mullein stalk near blooming, Usnea lichen (a symbiotic relationship
between a fungus and algae), Hops strobiles, and Echinacea in winter.
between a fungus and algae), Hops strobiles, and Echinacea in winter.

Freshly harvested Coltsfoot, Mullein, Plantain, and Lungwort leaves, Double
headed Dandelion blossom, and Burdock in bloom.
Yarrow for protection in many manifestations, St. Johnswort with its affinity for the sun, and a "Lip Balms for Social Justice" workshop (more info coming soon!) - the lip balms we make together travel from Vermont down to No More Deaths/No Mas Muertes in Arizona.
Blending the oils for Tigress Balm, red St. Johns wort oil bleeding
into the amber-colored oils.
Fresh summertime Rose petal harvest at the family farm, creating Heart Elixir,
and infusing Rose petals in Coconut oil for the Love It Up! breast/chest massage balm.
Please see Dandelioness Herbals' online etsy shop!
*These products have not been evaluated by the FDA. Seek advice of an experienced practitioner.
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